About this brand :

Hello! I'm Krashene! I put my heart into each piece, crafting with the hope of honoring your unique individuality. I’d be thrilled to bring a little happiness your way. Be yourself, Be happy!

About me :

{"type":"root","children":[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":"About me : ","bold":true},{"type":"text","value":"I'm a freelance designer based in Japan. I've always loved creating things ever since I was a child, so in 2021, I embarked on a journey of making handmade accessories and opened this shop. "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":" I appreciate your patience as I grow my shop at a slow pace, but I'm excited to share my journey with you. Thank you for your support! 💖"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":"xoxo "},{"type":"link","url":"https://www.krashene.shop","title":"Krashene","target":"_blank","children":[{"type":"text","value":"Krashene"}]},{"type":"text","value":" "}]}]}
Shop my work